Natural Solutions For Sleep Apnea And Insomnia: Co-authored by Kristina Mitts and Dr. Bill Code
Approximately 21% of North Americans have some form of sleep disorder; ranging from intermittent insomnia to something more serious, such as sleep apnea. Many are unaware that there are solutions. This point is established in “Solving the Brain...
Improving Mitochondrial Health: Chronic Fatigue, Pain, Neurological Disorders……
Author: Kristina Mitts Mitochondria have to be one of the most interesting areas in health related research. For every bit of confirmed knowledge we have on mitochondria, there seems to be 10x that of unknown. We know enough that we can use to...
How To Enjoy Dairy And Gluten Free Diets: Tips, Recipes And More. Kristina Mitts and Cindy Bergen
Navigating Gluten and Dairy Free Diets Have you explored a gluten or dairy free diet for your health? If you have a diagnosis of a chronic illness, experience chronic inflammation or are simply interested in improving your health we recommend...
FB Live Discussion: The Importance Of Your Mitochondria
The engine that drives your body, mitochondria makes up 10% of your body weight at over 10 million billion!
Chapter 10 Solving The Brain Puzzle: The Microbiome Linking Gut and Brain Health
Please enjoy this excerpt from my book, Solving The Brain Puzzle. For more information on enhancing the 100 trillion microbes that inhabit your gut please visit Taymount Canada Gut Flora Transplants 10: The Microbiome: Linking Gut and Brain...
Point Of Return Coronavirus Podcast Video #9
Many places have begun opening and COVID-19 is now part of our lives. Vaccines are on the horizon with antibody treatments pending. Will a vaccine protect us from a virus that is new? These questions and others from viewers are answered during...